The global pandemic has forced many companies to adapt to how they operate. One such change is the move from in-person interviews to virtual ones. Although this may seem like a small change, it can actually have a significant impact on the way an interviewee presents. Here are a couple of tips to ace your following virtual interview.
When it comes to interviewing, the first impression is everything. This is especially true for virtual interviews, where you might not have the opportunity to shake your interviewer’s hand or make small talk before diving into the questions. As such, it’s essential to be extra aware of your body language and tone of voice. Here are five tips to help you ace your following virtual interview.
Prepare your tech
If you haven’t done this yet, now is the time to get the tech you’ll need for virtual interviews and remote work. Make sure that your computer, internet connection, camera, and microphone are all working properly and that you can be heard and seen clearly. Don’t wait for the day of your interview to test your equipment out – why not rope in a friend to help you check it by setting up a video call together ahead of the interview? On the day of your interview, test everything again beforehand, and be at your desk in plenty of time so you can answer the video call quickly. It’s also a good idea to close any screens that you don’t need, especially those with notifications running – you don’t want a chat box popping up and distracting you during your interview, and it’s definitely a no-no if you’ll be screen sharing! If you are going to be sharing your screen during the interview (such as talking through a PowerPoint presentation), ensure that there’s nothing personal or compromising on display, and that you have an employer-friendly desktop background. Finally, double-check the software you’ll be using for the interview – some applications may need to be installed on your desktop, so avoid a last-minute rush or late start to the interview by taking care of this a few days before. Test your internet speed – a good upload speed means that your interviewers will be able to see you clearly.
Dress the partВ
Although you’re not physically meeting with your interviewer, it’s important to dress as though you are. This shows that you respect their time and are taking the interview seriously. It also helps you get into the right mindset for answering questions confidently. Avoid wearing anything that would be considered a distraction, such as bright colors or patterns. Stick to neutral colors that convey confidence and professionalism.
Choose a quiet and well-lit spaceВ
Your location says a lot about how seriously you’re taking the interview. Choose a place that is quiet so that you won’t be interrupted mid-answer. You should also sit in front of a window so the interviewer can see your face clearly. Natural light is always best, but if that’s not possible, make sure that there is enough light so that they can see you clearly.
Set up your camera at eye levelВ
Nobody likes talking to someone who has their camera pointing up their nose. Avoid this by setting up your webcam at eye level. If you don’t have a laptop stand, get creative and stack some books or boxes underneath your computer.В В
Practice Makes Perfect
It’s important to sound natural during an interview but that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t prepare beforehand. Write out a list of potential questions and practice answering them out loud. This will help you avoid any awkward pauses during the actual interview. You should also have a few questions prepared to ask at the end of the interview. This shows that you’re interested in the position and have done your research on the company.В
Provide clear answers
В Provide clear yet elaborate answers. They shouldn’t be too wordy, but a simple “Yes” or “No” will not impress the interviewer. Make sure to provide context on your past experiences.В
Demonstrate your interest, prepare several good questions indicating your interest in the position you’re applying for.
Follow up with A Thank-You NoteВ
Expressing gratitude is always polite, but it’s also an opportunity to reiterate why you’re the best candidate for the job. Send a thank-you email within 24 hours of your interview, and cc your interviewer’s boss if possible. This shows that you’re both professional and eager to work for the company.В
The Bottom Line
Answering these questions well can help set you apart from other candidates and land you the job. Just remember to be yourself and relax – after all, they’re just trying to get to know you better! With these tips in mind, you’ll be on your way to success in no time!